With its relatively low cost of living and lots of outdoor recreation areas, Arkansas has become a popular place for retirees who now have time to enjoy the outdoors but need to be careful of their budget.
If you’re on the verge of retirement or perhaps already there, you may be thinking about downsizing from your large family home into a smaller home or even a condo. That may be smart for several reasons.
Less money on home maintenance – You will lower the amount of money spent on home maintenance costs if your home is smaller. You’ll also decrease the amount of time you have to spend working on the interior and exterior of your smaller home.
Lower cost of living – Your cost of living will be lower in a smaller home. Not only will the actual cost of the home be less, but utilities and maintenance will be less as well.
A refreshing change – You’ll get a psychological lift from the fresh start provided by moving into a new home.
Self-Storage to the Rescue
Of course, downsizing into a smaller home will mean that there won’t be enough room for all the belongings that you had in your large home. But let’s face it. You’ve probably been wanting to sort through everything and get rid of items that you no long need or want for a long time. Now’s your chance.
You likely have a number of possessions that won’t fit into your new home, but you may not want to part with all of them. The answer is self-storage. Come on over to Browning Park Mini Storage in Benton, AR, to check out the various sizes of self-storage units available.
Getting Ready for Your Move into a Smaller Home
Sort your belongings – Go through your belongings and make decisions about what will go to your new home, what you will give away or throw out, and what you want to keep even though it might not fit in your new home.
The items in the last category will probably be items of sentimental valuable, seasonal items, holiday decorations, collectibles, and oversized items.
Choose a self-storage unit at Browning Park Mini Storage – By this time, you’ll have an idea how much room you’ll need for the belongings that need to be stored. Look at the various sizes of self-storage units at Browning Park Mini Storage and choose one that will be the right size for possessions.
Organize – As you are preparing items for storage, make sure to pack boxes with similar items together. Label the boxes for easy access later. You’ll want to place boxes with items that will be accessed most frequently toward the front of your storage unit. Oversize items should go at the back and sides of the unit.
Make a master list or diagram – A master list or diagram will make your life much easier later on when Aunt Bertha is coming for a visit and you need to access the ugly vase she gave you years ago. You know she’ll want to see it sitting in a prominent place – even in your smaller home.
We’re waiting for you at Browning Park Mini Storage in Benton, AR. We’ll help you make sense of your move to downsize.